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There are those who believe that life here began out there… far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians or the Toltecs or the Mayans. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive somewhere beyond the heavens.

Fleeing from the Cylon Tyranny, the last Battlestar – Galactica – leads a rag-tag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest. A shining planet, known as Earth.

This is Herman Brooks. Herman is just like the rest of us. Everyday he has to make all kinds of decisions like what to wear, whom to date and when to panic. Now these decisions should be easy but if you take a look inside Herman’s head, you’ll see why he sometimes has trouble making up his mind. Sometimes they agree… usually they don’t. But the struggle is going on inside all of us and it’s all going on inside Herman’s head.

Your tread must be light and sure, as though your path were upon rice paper. It is said, a Shaolin priest can walk through walls. Looked for, he can not be seen. Listened for, he can not be heard. Touched, can not be felt. This rice paper is the test. Fragile as the wings of the dragonfly, clinging as the cocoon of the silk worm. When you can walk its length and leave no trace. You will have learned.

Moon over Parma, bring my love to me tonight. Guide her to Cleveland, underneath your silvery light. We’re going bowlin’ so don’t lose her in Solon. Moon over Parma, tonight!

It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on tv, but where are those good old-fashioned values on which we used to rely? Lucky there’s a family guy, lucky there’s a man who positively can do all the things that make us laugh and cry – he’s our family guy!